Carbon Intensity is causing a lot of buzz within commodity markets. While it still involves carbon, it’s important for farmers to not confuse Carbon Intensity (CI) scores with the carbon programs that have risen to prominence in the last decade. For farmers, a CI score quantifies the carbon footprint an operation accumulates while producing and delivering a crop to an end market. The CI score is often linked to renewable fuel production and some ethanol plants may use the farmers’ score to qualify for tax credits set to roll out in January 2025.*
What is the difference between Carbon Market Programs and Carbon Intensity (CI)* Scores?
From the purpose of the company to the logistics of payment, there are a several differences between Carbon Market Programs and CI Scores. Here’s a high-level view of the differences from the farmers’ point of view, download the PDF here.
Learn more about NCGA's Sustanability Goals.
*This information is provided as general guidance based on market knowledge as of August 2024. Information and additional detail subject to change based on a specific market, ethanol plant, or tax credit program.