Von Herron

The Ohio State University

Von Herron

The Ohio State University

I am a 4th Generation Dairy Farmer from Columbiana County, Ohio where we raise polled Jersey cows and have a row crop operation. The farm produces corn, soybeans, wheat, and alfalfa crops to be able to sustain our dairy operation. I am currently a 3rd year Agricultural Systems Management major at The Ohio State University. I am heavily involved with multiple clubs on campus as I currently serve as President for the Agricultural Systems Management Club and am a member of Crops and Soils, Buckeye Dairy Club, and ASABE clubs. I also plan to attend SASES, NACTA, and the Weed Science contest in the next year with my clubs. After finishing my degree, I plan to return to the family dairy farm to manage the crops and machinery side of the business.


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