Eric Sibenaller

Iowa State University

Eric Sibenaller

Iowa State University

I am Eric Sibenaller, currently a junior at Iowa State University studying Agricultural Engineering. I grew up on a acreage in northwest Iowa; my dad is a farm manager for a bank and my mom is an oncology nurse at a hospital. Both of my grandparents farmed and we keep up with some hobby farm activities around our acreage, so I have been exposed to agriculture my whole life. Upon graduation I would like to move out west for a couple of years, working for an engineering outfit there before coming back to my roots of small-town Iowa. Back home I would like to work for a private engineering agency as a water resources or farm-operations engineer. Ideally, I would get to work alongside farmers, producers, and other officers regarding the best conservation techniques, machinery designs, and improving the efficiencies of farmoperations. Both the Iowa Corn Growers Association and the National Corn Growers Association have been great organizations to be apart of throughout my collegiate years and provided me with some neat opportunities, experiences, and scholarships. I look forward to continued participation within both organizations.


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