Hadley Beechinor

University of Idaho

Hadley Beechinor

University of Idaho

Hadley Beechinor, originally from Walla Walla, WA, is currently studying at the University of Idaho, pursuing dual degrees in Agricultural Economics and Animal Science, along with a certificate in Agricultural Commodity Risk Management. Hadley’s passion for agriculture has been cultivated by a lifetime of experiences on her family’s seven-generation farm and involvement as a member of 4-H and FFA. She is actively engaged in a range of experiences on campus including holding positions such as County Liaison for Collegiate Young Farmers & Ranchers, Vice President of Finance for Kappa Alpha Theta, a member of the Agricultural Risk Management Club, and serving as a CALS Ambassador. Hadley has also taken on many opportunities beyond campus by participating in Idaho State Farm Bureau Conferences and serving as a delegate at the Agriculture Future of America Policy Institute in Washington DC and at the Agriculture Future of America Leaders Conference in Kansas City, MO. Working as an undergraduate research assistant with the University of Idaho, Hadley is helping to complete a research project analyzing the environmental and economical impacts of beef production. She plans to spend the summer interning with Commodity and Ingredient Hedging in Des Moines, Iowa. Hadley is pursuing a career in commodity trading and risk management with a concentration in grain or livestock production. She also hopes to contribute to the education and sustainability of producers in the grain industry by sharing risk management tools and hedging options within commodity markets.