Supervisors, please review the following before supervising a harvest:
Yield Calculation Formula (PDF)
Acreage Harvest Worksheet with Signature (PDF)
Supervisor Training Module (Powerpoint)
NCGA will approve supervisors active or retired from any of the following positions:
- FFA Advisor
- Vocational Agricultural Instructor
- County Extension Agent & Assistant
- NRCS (Natural Resource Conservation Services) – Senior Staff
- FSA (Farm Service Agency) – CED/Loan Manager/Office
- SWCD (Soil and Water Conservation District)
- Farm Credit Services Officer
- Bank Ag Loan Officer
- Private Crop Consultant or Agronomist
- College of Ag Instructor
- American Society of Farm Managers Accredited Farm Manager
- Crop Insurance Agent/Adjustors
- NCGA Corn Board and State Board members
- State Corn Association staff
Supervisor Disqualifications
- Anyone who has a financial or direct business tie to a company that sells agribusiness supplies, such as Seed or Chemical reps, Farm Equipment salesmen.
- An employee or relative of the contest entrant
- The contest entrant
For questions contact