Winning the War Against Herbicide Resistance

March 4, 2020

Winning the War Against Herbicide Resistance

Mar 4, 2020

Key Issues:Production

Author: Mark Lambert

If you are wanting to up your game in dealing with herbicide resistance management there’s a great opportunity Thursday, March 5, 2020 at 10 a.m. central time. Take Action, and National Corn Growers Association program, is offering a series of sessions each Thursday this month.


Tomorrow’s session will include two presentations by Thomas Peters, Ph.D., North Dakota State University Weed Control discussing Weed Control using High Voltage Electricity and John Wallace, Ph.D., Penn State University on Integrating Cover Crops for Herbicide-Resistance Management. The series is hosted by Bill Johnson at Purdue University and Mark Loux at The Ohio State University.


Take Action is a farmer-focused education platform designed to help farmers and their advisors manage herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. The goal is to encourage the adoption of management practices that lessen the impact of resistant pests and preserve current and future crop protection technology. The Take Action Webinar Series aims to bring you the latest information and research on various topics related to pesticide resistance management. For more information on Take Action, visit