NCGA Elects Five Members to Serve on Corn Board

July 14, 2021

NCGA Elects Five Members to Serve on Corn Board

Jul 14, 2021

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki


Delegates attending the National Corn Growers Association’s Corn Congress, which was held today in New Orleans, La., elected five farmers to serve on the organization’s Corn Board.  Taking office on Oct. 1, the start of NCGA’s 2022 fiscal year, are new board members Randy DeSutter of Illinois, Bob Hemesath of Iowa and Dan Wesely of Nebraska. Current board members Deb Gangwish of Nebraska and Harold Wolle, Jr. of Minnesota were re-elected. Four were elected to three-year terms with Wesely elected to the one-year term left open by FY22 First Vice President-Elect Tom Haag of Minnesota.


“The many talented, well-qualified candidates who stepped forward are a testament to the work done by NCGA as well as the importance of our mission,” said NCGA Nominating Committee Chairman Kevin Ross. “All of the candidates already had established impressive track records of service to their fellow farmers.  As we welcome the FY22 Corn Board, I look forward to seeing the progress we will make and opportunities that we will find through the fresh ideas and insight-inspiring wisdom these volunteer leaders bring to our organization.”


The NCGA Corn Board represents the organization on all matters while directing both policy and supervising day-to-day operations. Board members represent the federation of state organizations, supervise the affairs and activities of NCGA in partnership with the chief executive officer and implement NCGA policy established by the Corn Congress. Members also act as spokesmen for the NCGA and enhance the organization’s public standing on all organizational and policy issues.