Ethanol Action Team Continues Focus on Increasing Ethanol Demand in 2022 and Beyond

March 2, 2022

Ethanol Action Team Continues Focus on Increasing Ethanol Demand in 2022 and Beyond

Mar 2, 2022

Author: Julie Busse

Increasing ethanol demand through various research and infrastructure partnerships and sound public policy are key priorities for the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) Ethanol Action Team (ETHAT). NCGA continues its focus on short-mid and long-term ethanol demand in partnership with state partners. NCGA continues collaboration with automakers, retailers, pump manufacturers, environmental groups, scholars and the ethanol industry to drive higher ethanol blends in the U.S.


“Our top priority is advancing ethanol as a key solution to addressing emissions and high fuel prices. Corn growers have to remain engaged on federal policy because we know today’s low-carbon ethanol is well-positioned, with the right policies, to help clean up transportation and continue to support corn demand,” said ETHAT Chair and Indiana farmer J.R. Roesner.  “One of the key policies that would help advance higher blends of ethanol is the Next Generation Fuels Act. We are continuing our efforts to help more members of Congress understand the solutions ethanol offers and ask them to co-sponsor the Next Generation Fuels Act, as well as support near-term needs such as restoring full market access for E15.”


The long-term demand potential of the Next Generation Fuels Act will be 5 billion gallons of ethanol or 1.8 billion bushels of corn. The legislation decarbonizes liquid fuels as vehicle technology advances and reduces harmful aromatics in gasoline, which improves air quality and health.


Additionally, with the Next Generation Fuels Act, NCGA and its state partners continue working with Wayne Fueling Systems and other manufacturers to usher into the marketplace Underwriters Laboratories (UL) certified equipment with capacity to dispense 40% ethanol blends. Thanks to this partnership, NCGA has supported the sale of more than 75,000 new fuel pumps across the U.S., building out the infrastructure needed to support higher ethanol blends.


“Another campaign we will expand this year is our communications initiatives in Washington D.C.,” said NCGA ETHAT Vice Chair and Iowa farmer Kelly Nieuwenhuis. “It is important for our message to be heard with policymakers, and we have a positive story to tell. Last year, we were in the market on T.V., had sponsored content on Politico, were the sponsors of the AgriPulse Deep Dive on Biofuels, and were seen on digital platforms. Continuing those efforts are imperative to our future success.”


NCGA also continues its partnerships with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ONRL), the ethanol industry, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on E15 approval in California and conversations around Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).


To stay up to date on NCGA’s ethanol priorities, visit