Grower Leaders Gather to Expand their Advocacy Skills

March 2, 2022

Grower Leaders Gather to Expand their Advocacy Skills

Mar 2, 2022

Key Issues:Farm Policy

Author: Gaylen Holloway

The Advocating for Corn Effectively (ACE) Series brought together grower leaders from 12 states to further develop their advocacy skills. The program is designed to create prepared, informed, and effective advocates to carry the message of corn growers to elected officials across the nation.


This three-part virtual series covered How Congress Really Works, Effective Advocacy, and Becoming a Trusted Resource. Participants heard directly from congressional staff, leaders at the Congressional Management Foundation, and completed training on virtual and in-person professionalism. Those who completed the program are now empowered to fully engage in the political process.


The ACE Series is just one of NCGA’s leadership and grassroots programs. You can learn more about NCGA’s Leadership Programs and Grassroots Advocacy efforts on NCGA’s website or by contacting Gaylen Holloway at