Tracking Global Trends and Global Trade with Market Development and American Poultry

March 29, 2023

Tracking Global Trends and Global Trade with Market Development and American Poultry

Mar 29, 2023

Key Issues:Animal Agriculture

Author: Michael Granché

Last week, the U.S.A. Poultry Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) held their annual Strategic Planning Conference in Tokyo, Japan. Bringing together USAPEEC’s global staff and industry representatives from across the sector, the conference enables participants to analyze opportunities for expansion and barriers to market access, and then formulate strategy to increase and create additional demand for American poultry and egg products. Representing National Corn Grower Association’s Market Development Action Team was Michigan Corn Growers Association Vice President John Delmotte and NCGA Market Development Manager Michael Granché. On Thursday, Delmotte and Granché provided a presentation that highlighted the value of partnerships, highlighted goals and progress outlined within NCGA’s Sustainability Report, and illustrated how USAPEEC and NCGA have worked together through projects their Chicken, Egg, and Turkey Buyer’s Guides.


“Most farmers think that our corn is exported as grain to other countries by ships and trains, but often forget that much of our grain is moved out of the country in animal and egg products. Being in Tokyo with the USAPEEC team really solidified the importance of our partnership with animal agriculture. Working with their global staff illustrated to me the work that these partner organizations do to help us move through meat and egg exports all across the globe. These partnerships are important and valuable to our organization,” said Delmotte.  


Poultry remains a top customer for U.S. corn consuming over 1,250 million bushels and last year, contributed $.28 cents of added value thanks to poultry exports!


While in Tokyo, Delmotte and Granché discussed the importance of poultry exports with Agriculture of America’s Mike Pearson. Catch that interview here


To learn more about the U.S.A. Poultry Egg Export Council, visit