New Videos Tell Stories of Corn Growers as Congress Debates Farm Bill

July 26, 2023

New Videos Tell Stories of Corn Growers as Congress Debates Farm Bill

Jul 26, 2023

Key Issues:Farm Bill

The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) released a video series featuring corn growers across the nation sharing their personal stories about how the farm bill affects their operations. The videos were unveiled at Corn Congress, which was held recently in Washington, D.C.

The series features four farmers: Elizabeth Hinkle of Ashland, Pa.; Aaron Martinka of Holland, Texas; Brent Rogers of Hoxie, Kan.; and Eric Tipton of Jeffersonville, Ohio. These NCGA members shared the importance of crop insurance, trade, farm safety net programs and USDA conservation programming.

NCGA’s Vice President of Public Policy Brooke S. Appleton noted the goal of the project was to help directly communicate with policymakers and their staff about the importance of the farm bill to corn growers and their families.  


“Nearly half of the members of the House of Representatives were not around during the debate on the 2018 farm bill,” Appleton said. “We have known for some time that new member education would be key to our comprehensive advocacy efforts on the farm bill. This video series is a great way to bring the story of corn growers to Capitol Hill—especially those who are new to Washington.”  

The farm bill is typically reauthorized every five years and is the core piece of legislation governing many of the U.S. Department of Agriculture programs critical to farmers. The current bill is set to expire on September 30, 2023. With the deadline quickly approaching, NCGA encourages advocates to contact their congressional representatives.


“The farm bill is our Super Bowl,” said NCGA’s Director of PAC and Political Strategy Anne Thompson. “It is critical corn growers share perspective with their elected officials and send a unified message to Capitol Hill as the bill is being developed. Every voice is important.”


To view NCGA’s farm bill video series, click here and to participate in NCGA’s call-to-action on the reauthorization of the farm bill, click here.