Harvesting? Online Corn Yield Contest Harvest Entries Now Available

August 25, 2021

Harvesting? Online Corn Yield Contest Harvest Entries Now Available

Aug 25, 2021

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

As summer draws to a close, the National Corn Growers Association is now accepting yield results of contest entries for the 2021 National Corn Yield Contest. All harvest results are due within two weeks after harvest or by November 30, whichever is the earlier date. The contest winners will be announced on December 15.


Enter your harvest results online, click here.


Please consider the potential availability of supervisors for this harvest. Government offices may be short-staffed, or under restrictions due to COVID-19, so it is important to begin conversations with potential yield check supervisors early.


Learn more about rules pertaining to supervisors by clicking here.


The premier event of every corn-growing season since 1965, the National Corn Yield Contest offers challenges and rewards to each entrant!


NCGA challenges you to take advantage of this opportunity to explore new ideas and production technologies while gleaning knowledge to enhance your future yield potential. Winners will receive national recognition in publications, such as the NCYC Corn Yield Guide, as well as other awards from participating sponsoring seed, chemical and crop protection companies. State winners will be honored at Commodity Classic in New Orleans, Lousiana at the NCYC Breakfast, and national winners receive awards at the evening Awards Banquet.


Contact NCYC at 636-733-5512 or email ncyc@ncga.com with any questions.
