In The News

Consumer Engagement

May 19, 2022

RFD-TV Takes a Fresh Look at CommonGround’s Fresh Look

Key Issues: Consumer Engagement

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

CommonGround continues to open the farm gate and bring together the women who grow and raise our food with those who buy it. After 12 years, the program’s fresh look reflects the amazing, timely conversations being had today.      Sara Ross, a farmer from Iowa who is also one of the fifteen founding CommonGround volunteers, recently spoke with RFD-TV’s Suzanne Alexander about the program’s purpose, history and evolution. Having grown along with the program, she shared her perspective as a volunteer and celebrated the growth and accomplishments of the women who make this grassroots program so impactful.   “80% of U.S. women make the household grocery shopping decisions,” said Ross. “They have important questions about what to buy in the store, what to feed their family to keep them safe and healthy. As women farmers, we connect with these women. We have the same values and share similar life experiences. We want the women purchasing food in the grocery store to be able to...

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Oct 20, 2021

CommonGround Spotlights Ag’s Story with Food and Nutrition Experts

Key Issues: Consumer Engagement

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

This week, CommonGround shared the story of American agriculture at the world’s largest meeting of food and nutrition experts at the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo (FNCE), which was held online this year. With more than 10,000 registered dietitian nutritionists, nutrition science researchers, policymakers and healthcare providers in attendance, CommonGround volunteers attracted enthusiastic attention and engaged in meaningful dialogue that helped this influential audience delve further into how America’s farmers grow and raise the healthy foods they recommend.   “FNCE provides a great venue for us to connect with people who directly impact the food choices of countless others,” said CommonGround volunteer Paula Linthicum, who farms in Laytonsville, Maryland. “The audience is receptive and appreciates the work that we do to provide a direct link to farming.”   The activity, organized by CommonGround MidAtlantic with support from the National Corn Growers Association,...

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Aug 19, 2021

CommonGround: Helping Consumers Say Goodbye to Mom Guilt

Key Issues: Consumer Engagement

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

Women from farms across the country, along with state and national staff, came together last week for this year’s CommonGround Summit. Over the course of two days, attendees participated in experiences that built skills, sparked insights, and fostered ideas that will empower the volunteers in their efforts and energize the program as a whole.   Through presentations from experts and group exercises, participants and honed the skills that they use to share their personal story.  Highlights included a look at Building Bridges on Tricky Topics with Roxi Beck of the Center for Food Integrity (CFI) and a consumer panel featuring a diverse group of local moms, led by Allyson Perry, also of CFI.   The diverse group of local consumer moms shared their concerns and the personal experiences that influence them, in an open, honest manner. As the moderator and volunteers brought forth questions that scratched beneath the surface, the common concerns that bother families everywhere and...

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May 4, 2021

NCGA to Farmers: Accept the Challenge 2021

Key Issues: Consumer EngagementProduction

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

With entry for the National Corn Growers Association’s National Corn Yield Contest now open, farmers across the country are joining the friendly competition, giving it their best and hoping to top their personal best. NCYC entrants contribute to a pool of shared knowledge that helps all corn farmers in challenging years. So, plant a new seed of thought, shed some light and have some fun.   The premier event of every corn growing season since 1965, the National Corn Yield Contest offers challenges and rewards to each entrant! In 2020, 7,844 growers accepted the challenge, enjoyed the friendly competition with fellow farmers and helped provide information that will lead to future innovations.    This year, to add transparency and visual confirmation to high-yield entries, the contest requires a photo inclusion to be submitted online with the recheck yield results. For the 2021 Entry & Harvest Rule Book, along with information on changes this year and other resources, click...

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May 3, 2021

Corn Farmers Launch Campaign to Open Minds, Share Sustainability Story in Washington

Key Issues: Consumer Engagement

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

This Saturday, key public policy influencers in our nation’s capital met the corn farmers of America’s Heartland in their homes, at the airport, and even while listening to their favorite podcasts as the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) launched a campaign highlighting their incredible sustainability story. By reaching “Inside the Beltway,” this campaign, made possible by a collaboration with state associations and highlighting the authentic stories of corn farmers, is designed to open doors and build trust by highlighting the role farmers play in combatting today’s most pressing environmental issues.   “Even in 2021, corn farming remains, at its heart, a family operation rooted in the earth,” said John Linder, NCGA President and a farmer from Ohio. “In many cases, such as mine, this vocation goes back multiple generations. America’s family farmers take great pride in the past, but we are working to build a future with healthy soil, clean air and clean water. Whether you...

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Apr 6, 2021

CommonGround Webinar Series Offers Insight, Connection

Key Issues: Consumer Engagement

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

While volunteers from across the country have not been able to meet in person nationally, CommonGround continues to offer opportunities to learn more and hone skills online through a second online training series. This series of three webinars, which launched last week, builds upon the series of learning and networking opportunities offered online over the summer of 2020.   The first session welcomed new volunteers to incredible work being done by more than 200 farm women like them across the country. Through state associations' support and hard work, these women serve as resources for consumers who have questions about how their food is grown.   Additional sessions are planned for April 21 and May 19, featuring Roxi Beck of the Center for Food Integrity to update the pandemic’s impact on consumer food trends and a social storytelling workshop on May 19.   Sharing their personal stories, the volunteers who make up this grassroots movement foster conversations based on shared...

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Mar 29, 2021

Farmers Share Sustainability Story with Food Industry Leaders

Key Issues: SustainabilityConsumer Engagement

Author: Cathryn Wojcicki

More than 200 high-level innovators in the food and beverage industry explored the challenges and successes they face as they continually strive to become even more sustainable during The Future of Food USA through a panel featuring CommonGround volunteer Kellie Blair, who farms in Iowa, and National Corn Growers Association Corn Board Member Brandon Hunnicutt, who also serves as Chairman of Field to Market in addition to farming in Nebraska. The session, Farmer Perspectives: The Key Sustainability Challenges and Successes from the Ground, shared the farmers’ personal experiences adopting sustainability practices and sparked discussions on how business can support farmers to reach shared goals together.   “We focused on the farmer perspective during our discussion of sustainability on our farms, how business can help, and what successes we have seen.  On our own farm, and the farms of the other panelists, it seems we have some of the same challenges: weather, labor, defining...

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For media inquiries contact Bryan Goodman,